Review: In Win GreenMe 750W PSU

by Tarinder Sandhu on 19 July 2012, 16:29 3.5

Tags: In Win

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Final thoughts and rating

In Win's GreenMe 750W is a no-nonsense mainstream PSU that's currently available for £65. Presented nicely in off-white casing and adopting a no-frills approach to cabling, internals and overall design, our testing shows it to have better-than-expected efficiency across a wide range of loads. We'd like to see In Win re-plumb the supply with longer cables and a couple of extra PCIe connectors for graphics cards, however.

Overall, then, the non-modular GreenMe 750W is a solid addition to the massed ranks of mainstream power supplies. A tweak here and there would take it from being competent to good, especially given the keen price, and it remains decent enough to go on a shortlist for a value-focussed build.

The Good

High efficiency
Keen price
Different look to most PSUs

The Bad

Could do with more-extensive cabling
12V ripple starts to wander under load

HEXUS Rating

In Win GreenMe 750W PSU

HEXUS Where2Buy

The reviewed supply is available here.

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At HEXUS, we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If any company representatives for the products reviewed choose to respond, we'll publish their commentary here verbatim.

HEXUS Forums :: 8 Comments

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If you can't say something constructive and meaningful, please refrain from making ill-advised judgements without proof, thank you - TS.

Edited by TS.
A WHOLE $1 to charity!? daaaaaaym, at thmakes my old man look generous! :rolleyes:
If every manufacturer of goods over £50 donated a dollar to the WWF we would not have the problems we see everyday on wildlife concern. Good for them!
“We'd term the noise just above average for a supply of this class.”

That could be useful info - to people who have a lot of experience with many PSUs.
But most of us don't enjoy that opportunity, which is why we read reviews! :-)
Sorry, but that info is of very limited value to most of us - figures would be better.
A No nonsense PSU, not bad for the price, although I'm sure there are better brands for that price