Review: Chillblast Fusion Stealth

by Parm Mann on 18 January 2013, 12:00 4.5

Tags: Chillblast

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Benchmarks: Power Consumption

Modern components are often quicker than the previous generation, but we're also seeing healthy savings on power consumption. With a 22nm Intel Ivy Bridge CPU and a 28nm Nvidia GeForce GTX 670, Chillblast's Fusion Stealth is able to keep power-draw down to a reasonable 71 Watts when idle.

Cranking up the load on all available CPU cores quickly increases power-draw, but Chillblast's modest 4.3GHz overclock helps keep 2D power consumption below 150 Watts. That's nice and low for a powerful, high-end system.

The same applies on the GPU front. The GeForce GTX 670 offers high-end performance without needing big gulps of juice, making the Fusion Stealth relatively 'green' on the power front.