Review: Chillblast Fusion Stealth

by Parm Mann on 18 January 2013, 12:00 4.5

Tags: Chillblast

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Benchmarks: Noise

Low temperatures often come at the expense of system noise, but not this time. The Fusion Stealth is very quiet when idle and you'd have to be in a quiet room to hear it running.

That's impressive. With the CPU under maximum load, system noise hardly increases. We carried out our tests with the chassis fan control set to low (Chillblast's default setting) and though noise increases noticeably at the medium and high settings, we never felt the need for increased airflow.

Here's the best bit; even if you're gaming, the Fusion Stealth does a great job of keeping noise levels in check. It remains barely audible, which is good going for an overclocked Ivy Bridge system with a GeForce GTX 670.

If there's one small criticism, it's that the occasional whir of the hard disk can be off-putting. The mechanical drive's sporadic noise makes it the most audible component, and users who want quiet running around the clock may prefer an SSD-only build.