Intel CEO discusses AMD, NVIDIA, IBM and Sun

by Scott Bicheno on 26 March 2009, 14:11


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Otellini insight

Intel CEO Paul Otellini had a live chat with Intel employees earlier in the week, primarily to discuss a few stock related matters including an offer to reprice employee stock options to reflect the fall in its share price.

However he also had a Q&A session which was thoughtfully transcribed and submitted to the SEC so we could all read it. Things soon turned to matters other than stocks including Intel's current disputes with AMD and NVIDIA and Otellini's thoughts on the possible acquisition of Sun Microsystems by IBM.

Here are the key Otellini answers as taken from the transcript:

On AMD spinning off its manufacturing operations and the possibility of NVIDIA developing an x86 product.

Well, on Invidia [sic] we're not going to react to anything until there's a real product. They have a cross license from us. It has certain exclusions in it. It has a certain period in terms of when it runs, when it's valid. When and if they have a real product, we'll have a discussion of whether it violates it or not. That's a TBD situation.