Cheryl Cole named most searched-for celebrity

by Sarah Griffiths on 28 October 2010, 14:10

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Top 50 most-searched for celebs

Here's another chart of the top 50 most-searched for personalities- brownie points if you know who they all are!



HEXUS Forums :: 15 Comments

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So you didn't run a search after reading the article just to see what came up?
It's true, every time I type “vacuous waste of flesh” she's top of the list.
So you didn't run a search after reading the article just to see what came up?

I can vouch I've not googled for Cheryl Cole.

I'm sick of seeing the sight of her on TV all the time as it is. If shes not on a TV show shes in the adverts all the time telling me shes worth it and other cheesy punchlines.

Then, if she's not on the TV she's all over the papers about how shes doing this, that and the other.
I wonder how that list would look if they removed the extra terms in the searches, such as teenagers adding things like naked to the search.