Samsung already set to block iPhone 5 in Korea

by Scott Bicheno on 19 September 2011, 15:51

Tags: Samsung (005935.KS), Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL)

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That's the Samsung Town way

Koran tech giant Samsung looks set to use home field advantage in the next escalation of its legal fight with Apple. According to The Korea Times, Samsung is preparing to mug the iPhone 5 as soon as it launches in Korea for violation of a bunch of Samsung patents.

"Just after the arrival of the iPhone 5 here, Samsung plans to take Apple to court here for its violation of Samsung's wireless technology related patents," said a Samsung senior exec to The Korea Times, on condition of anonymity.

"For as long as Apple does not drop mobile telecommunications functions, it would be impossible for it to sell its i-branded products without using our patents. We will stick to a strong stance against Apple during the lingering legal fights."

This move seems like classic escalation. Apple hasn't just restricted itself to trying to get damages or royalties from Samsung for perceived infringements on its intellectual property, it has very deliberately attempted to block the sale of Samsung mobile devices in Europe, with some success.

Samsung seems to be saying: ‘Two can play at that game, Apple, and let's see if you find the Korean courts as accommodating as the German and Dutch ones." It reminds us a bit of that classic Connery monologue in The Untouchables: "They pull a knife, you pull a gun. He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That's the Chicago way!"

Another nugget is the apparent confirmation from one of the two Samsung execs sourced in this piece that the iPhone 5 will be NFC-enabled. This doesn't come as a massive surprise but, of course, Apple has yet to say anything publicly on the matter. "As usual, Apple Korea's representative Steve Park wasn't available for comment on the issue," concluded the report.


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Like I said Apple opened a big can of worms, respect to Samsung let hope other jump on board.
Do Apple sell a lot of phones in Korea? I would have thought that if Samsung wanted to really hurt Apple then they would have been better to get a no-iPhone5 judgement in Japan. Then again, I suppose Samsung were pretty confident that they'd benefit from “home advantage” in Korea.

I understand what they're doing, but I still despair that companies seem to so ready to sic the lawyers on each other, rather than competing on capability.
And Obama, recently signed into law, a new ‘America Invests Act’, fully loaded with ‘file first’ doctrine and a load of other corporatism goodies which means this patent mess will just get worse.
Remember that the real losers here are us, through less choice in the market and having to pay higher prices. It's a good thing that capitalism is meant to counter both of those, oh… wait.
Was iPhone5 even announced yet?

Not sure how its possible to sue something that doesn't even exist?

The whole patent system its one big fail, as above, customers are gonna be to take the hit…