It's only Boxing Day, but it's now time for retailers and e-tailers alike to hit us hard with bargains. Today, roughly six in every ten high street stores will open to kick off their post-Christmas sales, Monday's Daily Mail reports. While most workers at e-tail only establishments might have the joy of still being off work, you can bet that many of the sites will now have launched sales.

Having a quick scout about the web today, we found a number of websites with sales, such as the Dixons Group, Dabs, Play, and Jessops. It's not been the best of years for high street retailers, partly due to the increasing number of online purchases being made. However, regardless of whether you're bargain hunting on- or off-line, there's the inevitability of surplus stock in warehouses, which could lead to some superb steals.
Of course, the most hardcore shoppaholics amongst you will have already been out to hit the sales, but perhaps it's a more sensible idea to do it all from home and make use of online deals? Sure enough, a large number of visitors to the today are heading straight for the HEXUS.SmartShoppers section, looking for bargains. With the help of our community members we'll keep the section up to date, so make sure you keep an eye on it!
So, while the rest scurry about in the high-streets, we'll be sat back, mouse in hand, clicking up those deals.