2. Find topics or people talking about subjects that interest you.
In a similar way to Twitter, you can use the Google+ search function to find out other people’s thoughts on current issues or subjects that fascinate you.
Use the search bar at the top to type in a subject that you’re interested in. The bar will drop down and show you relevant companies that may have set up a Google+ page that you’d like to follow and it will show you all public posts that contain those words.
This is a great way to get conversation going as your friends will see your +1 topics and may join. You’ll notice many websites now have the +1 logo next to articles, including HEXUS. If you’ve set up your account, press the +1 button at the top of this article to share it with your buddies. Go on, do it!
3. Create your own Circles
You aren’t just limited to the four pre-set circles at the start of your Google+ experience. You can sort out friends and topics into new circles to make content and people more manageable.
Click on the “Circles” tab and then click on “Create New Circle.” You can name them whatever you want. The more circles you create the broader the Google+ experience will be and the more your list of friends will grow.