QOTW: which gadgets do you travel with?

by Parm Mann on 4 November 2011, 16:30

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I remember being able to count my must-pack travel items on two fingers: as long as I had my passport and my wallet, I felt good to go.

How times have changed. On a recent holiday to Italy, I found myself packing almost as many electrical items as I did clothes. Odd, as the idea behind the holiday was to take a break from my usual gadget-infested lifestyle.

Off the top of my head, my fiancée and I had an iPad, a Kindle, a Nikon D5000 DSLR, a FujiFilm point-and-shoot camera as a backup, our BlackBerry smartphones, a TomTom sat-nav, my Garmin GPS sports watch, a pair of audio-canceling headphones, and of course, a myriad of chargers for many of the aforementioned. All that, and we were only staying in Rome for a week.

Granted, most items were used, but it got me thinking - which gadgets would we class as essential? It's obviously going to depend on where you're going and for what purpose (my kit list lengthens dramatically for a work-related trip), but out of all the gadgets we packed, I could easily have left half-a-dozen behind. The BlackBerry, Nikon and TomTom being my must-have items.

That brings us neatly onto our question of the week: which gadgets do you travel with? And are there any that you deem to be essential, or are you happy to make do with a good ol' paperback? Let us know and share your thoughts in the HEXUS forums.

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I guess my mobile phone could be considered essential, but that is stretching the words meaning. I always travel with my mobile phone, MP3 player + headphones and Kindle.

Other devices I'd consider taking away with me would be: Camera, Laptop, Nintendo DS and GPS device.
If I'm going on holiday, then probably just a kindle and a cheapy music player (Sansa Clip). The fewer gadgets the better, IMO.

A work trip? Well, I guess I'd have a laptop, phone, Kindle, cheapy MP3 player.
This years holiday to Kos we took One cheapo MP3 player + earbuds, and digital camera (simple compact)… er that was it. Even that we barely used. We left the mobile phone at home so we wouldn't have to be bothered by calls, or risk losing it.

We take real paper books with us as we don't like the Kindle, and can't justify the expense for a tablet like an iPad.

When we went touring around Italy last year all we took was the camera!
phone. laptop and a pen / paper. :D
Phone, Laptop, Headphones, Spare batteries and chargers, Flash Drives, External drives, Many USB and charging leads.

Yes, i am very sad.