Samsung unveils Soul phone

by Parm Mann on 8 February 2008, 11:17

Tags: Soul, Samsung (005935.KS)

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Europe to find its Soul in April

Pictured below is the latest addition to Samsung's Ultra Edition range of phones. Following on from handsets such as the D900 and U600, this new phone, titled Soul, is a lightweight phone that packs a decent set of features.

Soul, which Samsung tells us is an abbreviation of "Spirit of Ultra", packs 7.2Mbps HSDPA, a 2.2" QVGA screen and a 5MP camera with auto focus. All this in a handset that measures in at less than 13mm thick. Not bad at all.

It's very easy on the eye too. Featuring a technology going by the name of Magical Touch, the navigation indicators on the front of the handset change depending on what it is you're doing. As an example, if you're playing music the icons on the front of the phone will become music related. Samsung claim the technology makes "navigation of the menus simple, intuitive and direct", we can see how it might do so, but we'll need to try it first to be sure.

Geesung Choi, President of Samsung’s Telecommunication Business says: “We believe that Soul is the answer for today’s style-conscious consumers, excited by outstanding quality design and performance".

I've got to admit, I'm becoming quite fond of Samsung handsets. Though the Soul doesn't quite match up to handsets such as the N95 from Nokia in terms of specification, I find Samsung handsets far more desirable to use. I'll be looking forward to getting my hands on Soul when it launches in Europe this April.

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Very pretty, and seeems to have good functionality.