Churches use GPS trackers to stem stolen baby Jesus problem

by Mark Tyson on 22 December 2013, 19:03

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Remember our last story about how GPS sensors were being utilised to calm car chases in the US? Now another US security company has found further good use of GPS tracking technology, especially during the festive season - by helping to prevent the theft of figurines from nativity scenes at places of worship.

Brickhouse security has come to the rescue of frustrated church owners in New Jersey which keep having their Mary, Joseph and Jesus taken by crazy crooked Christians, reports MyFoxDC.

The GPS provided by Brickhouse is given to qualified religious institutions and placed inside the dolls. The CEO of Brickhouse Todd Morris said that "we then monitor it from our cloud-based mapping system, and set up alerts so that they'll get a text message or an e-mail if Baby Jesus is in motion," So for those that are tempted to steal these holy figures, they may receive a surprise knock on the door this Christmas.

Stolen nativity figurines seems a nation-wide problem in the US, as reports of Churches in other states, such as Illinois, also using GPS trackers were covered on NBC News. In this report, Reverend Smith mentioned that two of the Wise Men made a trip and ended up at Four Lakes Ski Resort. "Of course God knows where they are, but now maybe we have a better chance to know as well," quipped the holy man.

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That's just virgin on ridiculous!
I hear brickhouse security is run by 3 wise men…..
I hear brickhouse security is run by 3 wise men…..
They follow the pointing star?
not very Christian to steal a figure of the baby Jesus.
be interesting to know whether they were taken by the church goers or just randoms!