Review: Pinnacle ShowCenter 200 network media player

by Bob Crabtree on 19 September 2006, 01:18

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Final thoughts, HEXUS.awards and HEXUS.right2reply

At a glance


* Great picture and sound quality
* Can handle most formats now - unlike the original ShowCenter
* Easy to use interface and a breeze to set up
* Able to display HD video that our mains test PC couldn't itself play. Our PC centred on an AthlonXP 3000+ with a Geforce3 graphics card (a bit old, we know) and struggled with most of the HD files, especially those of 1080p, but the ShowCenter 200 had no problems at all
* A good range of output options - video and audio
* Cheap compared to a media server; especially if compared to a media server that can play back HD content. Pinnacle's minimum recommended processor for a host PC is a PIII 1GHz. We didn't check that but had no issues with a system using a Celeron 1.4GHz CPU
* Although not covered in this review, the ShowCenter can also act as a personal video recorder (PVR) when combined with a Pinnacle PCTV tuner. The ShowCenter's documentation on this feature is not as comprehensive as the other sections but the support forums do provide lots of useful information
* Stream internet radio


* Can’t handle QuickTime or Real Media files, even for conversion to a compatible format, so third-party conversion software will be needed
* Wireless connection not recommended for files with an average bitrate greater than 4Mbps and only for audio files when you intend to use your wireless connection for anything else at the same time
* The Stream Server Host program, PMSHost, is a bit of a resource hog - using up about 35MB of RAM even when not streaming
* No multi-byte character-set support
* Have to pay to add Dolby Digital output from the analogue outputs but even then it’s only two-channel. Also won’t handle DTS
* No WMA-Pro through digital outputs – so you need to connect analogue and digital outputs from the ShowCenter 200 to make sure you can get sound from all files
* Although we've not yet reviewed them, there are newer rival products that, on paper, are better spec'd. Among these are the:
D-Link DSM-520 - wireless HD media player (roughly £190 inc VAT) - home page
Buffalo PC-P3LWG/DVD - wireless HD media player with progressive-scan DVD player (around £165) - home page
* DRM protected content is a bit hit and miss and many people have reported problems playing protected files

Pinnacle's ShowCenter 200 is a great piece of hardware and one that's now very affordable if you look around carefully for a good price. As long as you know its limitations, a ShowCenter will let you quickly and easily enjoy in your living room most of the media stored on the PCs elsewhere in your home.

However if you want to get a ShowCenter to play all of your media, then you'll require some knowledge of video and audio standards and need to acquire and use a range of converter applications.

And, if you're going to watch videos with high bandwidths, forget about wireless. You'll either have to use wired Ethernet or buy into mains-borne-networking, with a product such as the devolo MicroLink dLAN Highspeed Starter Kit.


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Thoughts on this review and network media players generally? Let us hear them over in this thread in the

HEXUS.links :: discussion thread about this article :: devolo MicroLink dLAN Highspeed Starter Kit :: Pinnacle Studio 10.5 updater :: Pinnacle releases second patch for new Studio video editor


Pinnacle - ShowCenter 200 home page
Surf the internet from ShowCenter - Pinnacle support forum thread
Rhapsody - home page
AnalogX’s NetStat Live - home page
D-Link DSM-520 - home page
Buffalo PC-P3LWG/DVD - home page
Microsoft - list of WIA-supported cameras (requires Windows Live ID or Microsoft Passport account)

HEXUS Where2Buy

Ballicom International - ShowCenter 200 buying page
DealTime UK - best deals on ShowCenter 200
Pinnacle - UK eStore page for ShowCenter 200

HEXUS Right2Reply

At HEXUS we invite the companies whose products we test to comment on our articles. If Pinnacle's representatives choose to do so, we'll publish their commentary verbatim.

HEXUS Forums :: 6 Comments

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We had a Pinnacle Showcentre 200 and agree whole heartedly with your review, However an upgrade to our home computer ie VISTA now means that our Showcentre does not work!

Any ideas or suggestions on another digital media streamer that works with vista would be greatly appreciated.

Gah! Damn you for dragging up an 11 month old thread!

That said, it was interesting to read the review, even though it's old now…
didnt really answer my question ther di ya
We had a Pinnacle Showcentre 200 and agree whole heartedly with your review, However an upgrade to our home computer ie VISTA now means that our Showcentre does not work!

Any ideas or suggestions on another digital media streamer that works with vista would be greatly appreciated.


I guess the obvious one is Microsoft Xbox 360 (not sure whether Apple TV is quite so suitable cos it only has high-def outputs).

Oh and, although Pinnacle doesn't yet have Vista drivers for the ShowCenter 200, it makes no statement about not providing them - in fact, it explicitly says that for the ShowCenter 1000 and makes no mention at all of the 200.

But I wouldn't go holding my breath.

Your best bet, though, I suspect is to pose a query about using Xbox 360 this way in the HEXUS.gaming Xbox forum - or put up a more general query in the AV forum.

Alternatively, you could just buy a dedicated Win XP PC to do the job with the ShowCenter 200 - I'd be surprised if a PC with the necessary spec cost you more than an Xbox 360. Must be lots of suitable second-hand machine floating about that you could choose from.
thanks for that you,ve give me plenty of ideas.will try the xbox route 1st