E3 2005: Kornelia Doom 3 Challenge

by Nick Haywood on 28 April 2005, 00:00

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E3 2005: Get your ass whipped by a chick, in public!

E3 2005: Get your ass whipped by a chick, in public!

iGames and LTB Audio Systems, maker of True 5.1 Surround Sound headphones, today announced that they will be bringing the competitive spirit of game centers to the E3 2005 with a host of special competitions.

Formost amongst these is the chance to be publicly humiliated by a woman in the Kornelia Challenge 2, an exclusive DOOM 3 tournament that will pit show-goers against Kornelia, a top-seeded PC gamer and the world's No.1 ranked female Quake player.

I usually only have to go shopping with the missus to suffer humiliation and defeat, so at least this way you get a bit of fun playing a game at the same time. The tournament will pit the "Queen of Quake" in a death-match competition designed to showcase LTB's True 5.1 Surround sound wireless headphones and state-of-the-art S3 Graphics 3D video cards.

Gamers with the skills to go the distance with Kornelia on id Software's sci-fi horror masterpiece will receive prizes courtesy of LTB and S3. For everyone else, there will be engrossing gameplay, free T-shirts and an exclusive showcase of FlatOut from VU Games and Delta Force: Black Hawk Down from NovaLogic.

Ok, so she can very likely totally own me on Doom 3, but I bet I can throw a ball further…