Scurge: Hive

by Nick Haywood on 17 June 2005, 00:00

Tags: Scurge Hive for Nintendo DS, Orbital Media, Action/Adventure

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First Look : Scurge: Hive

First Look : Scurge: Hive

Announced last year and launching on September 15th, 2005 for the Nintendo GameBoy Advance and Nintendo DS game console, Scurge: Hive is an action game from Orbital Media.

The game features as its main character, Jenosa Arma, a bounty hunter. 48 hours ago a distress signal was sent from a remote research lab studying a virulent organism identified as the "Scurge". Scientists have been studying its remarkable metamorphic and energy abilities. Jenosa Arma has been commissioned by a black-ops cell from the government to investigate and salvage any research technology from within the facility. She is armed with top-secret projectile gauntlets and a prototype battle suit.

Says Steve Shatford, Orbital's President;

"Scurge: Hive is an intense fast-paced action-packed game from start to finish. This game raises the bar, a 100% adrenaline rush. Huge bosses, unique combat system, an absolutely massive game. This game just pushed a whole new dimension."