The Hottest Games Of 2011 - Videogame Top Picks For The Coming Year

by Steven Williamson on 30 December 2010, 15:36

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Blowing stuff up, lots of it

Red Faction Armageddon
Developer – Violition Inc.
Publisher – THQ
Platforms – Windows, Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date – May, 2011

For this iteration we can expect Volition's Geo-Mod 2.0 technology, to once again offer a range of physics-based weaponry affording us with the freedom to destroy stuff on a massive scale. However, in a unique twist, by using Darius' Magnet Gun they'll also be the opportunity to use reconstruction technology to help save humanity. From lava tubes to ice caves, we're promised a new playground for battles in both the single-player campaign and multiplayer co-operative modes.

Resistance 3
Developer – Insomniac Games
Publisher – Sony Computer Entertainment
Platforms – PS3
Release Date –6 September, 2011

Resistance 3 returns with a fully loaded arsenal of innovative weapons, including classics like the Bullseye, Auger, Rossmore, and Marksman, and increases the firepower of each with a new weapon upgrade system. With the return of the fan-favourite weapon wheel, you now have access to the entire sandbox of weaponry, giving you strategic choices for any situation you encounter.

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