The Hottest Games Of 2011 - Videogame Top Picks For The Coming Year

by Steven Williamson on 30 December 2010, 15:36

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The return of Deus Ex

Deus Ex Human Revolution
Developer – Eidos Montreal
Publisher – Square Enix
Platforms – Windows, Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date – April, 2011

In an attempt to appeal to a broader audience, the Deus Ex role-playing series takes a different route in this latest outing, implementing many features that you're likely to see in most traditional first person shooters. Initially, that decision wasn't too popular amongst its fan base, but this first gameplay trailer may relieve those worries.

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings
Developer – CD Projekt RED STUDIO
Publisher – Atari, CD Projekt
Platforms – Windows
Release Date – 17 May, 2011

CD Projekt claims to have improved on the original in all areas. In addition to promising an epic story-line, the game features an original, brutal combat system that uniquely combines tactical gameplay with all-out action.

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