The Hottest Games Of 2011 - Videogame Top Picks For The Coming Year

by Steven Williamson on 30 December 2010, 15:36

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The battle of the FPS

Developer – People Can Fly, Epic Games
Publisher – Electronic Arts
Platforms – Windows, Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date – 22, Feb, 2011

Bulletstorm is billed as an “over the top” first person shooter with signature ‘kill with skill’ gameplay. With Epic Games back catalogue including the likes of Gears Of War, Unreal Tournament and Painkiller, Bulletstorm could well be one of the top first person shooters of 2011.

Crysis 2
Developer – Crytek
Publisher – Electronic Arts
Platforms – Windows, Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date – 25, March, 2011

The fact that the second instalment of Crysis is also being created for consoles, suggests that it may offer a different FPS experience to the original. Let’s hope it doesn’t lose any of its ‘pizzazz.’ With Crytek boasting that it will feature “the most advance AI system ever” it has the potential to be amazing.

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