The Hottest Games Of 2011 - Videogame Top Picks For The Coming Year

by Steven Williamson on 30 December 2010, 15:36

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Dance the night away

Michael Jackson: The Experience
Developer – Ubisoft
Publisher – Ubisoft
Platforms – Windows, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP
Release Date – 15 February, 2011

The Wii version has already been released and has received average reviews, but 2011 sees the introduction of the Kinect and Move enabled versions which should get Jacko fans up and dancing in their living rooms.

Developer – Day 1 Studios
Publisher – Warner Bros. Interactive
Platforms – Windows, Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date – 25 March, 2011

FEAR 3 looks set to continue the F.E.A.R. brand legacy by once again delivering a paranormal horror, first person shooter that delivers frenetic combat and plenty of thrills and spills.

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