January 2011 - Pick of the best videogames

by Steven Williamson on 6 January 2011, 16:22

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Top Pick

MindJack - Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date - 21st January

A new era. Sophisticated and complex technologies are now contributing to the advancements of mankind. However, the world’s governments are crumbling, new corrupt powers arise and conspiracies proliferate. The truth behind the proscribed technology could destroy the very core of humanity. Join a rogue team of agents as they fight for survival and entangle themselves deeper into the mystery.

Mindjack offers a unique online experience. Enter a revolutionary playing field upon which an engaging solo campaign transitions seamlessly to thrilling cooperative play. Expand your mind’s reach by “hacking” into enemies, vehicles or civilians and enjoy the freedom to control almost any character. Each bystander becomes an active combatant in this new urban warfare. Your “state of mind” is your only limitation!

Dead Space 2 - PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date - 25th January

Dead Space Extraction is a prequel that reveals the events leading up to Isaac Clarke’s mission on the USG Ishimura in Visceral Games’ award-winning Dead Space. It tells the story of a handful of space colonists desperately struggling to escape from a horrific infection on the Aegis VII mining colony deep in the furthest regions of space. The game introduces a new heroine, Lexine to the fiction and as the crew fall victim to a mysterious contagion aboard the ship, it becomes clear that protecting her may be their only hope for survival. Dead Space Extraction introduces all new characters, weapons, enemies, puzzles and co-operative multiplayer gameplay.

Two Worlds II - PC, Xbox 360, PS3
Release Date - 25th January

Two Worlds II returns players to the realms of Antaloor, the high fantasy world of mysticism from the first title, released in 2007. Two Worlds II has been built from the ground up with a brand new engine and gameplay mechanics aimed at delivering both hardcore and casual gamers a robust role-playing experience.

Rescued from prison by former enemies, the player once again assumes control of the unnamed hero, only to find the world of Antaloor has been forever changed in their absence. Antaloor is a mythic world of pristine savannahs and mordant swamps, celestial cities teeming with life that will rise or fall entirely depending of the player's actions, as the reign of the implacable despot Gandohar threatens to throw the world into a state of irreversible decay.

LittleBigPlanet 2 - PS3
Release Date - 21st January

There are places to explore, creative resources to collect and puzzles to solve – all requiring a combination of brains and collaborative teamwork. It all begins with a brand new story mode that provides a beautifully reshaped world for Sackboy to explore and play. Each story level is influenced by cultural high points in history and is visually stunning when seen through the game’s revamped graphics engine. This franchise has always empowered players to create their own levels with the same tool set used by the development team. Therefore, LittleBigPlanet 2 will offer revolutionary gameplay mechanics and a level of customization and creative control that has never been seen before. With the implementation of a new create mode, the tools have evolved to allow users to not only make better levels, but completely new games across multiple genres.

An essential purchse for any PS3 owner.

HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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Think Ill have to be giving Dead Space 2 a crack me thinks,
Dead Space was proper atmospheric, best sound in a game ever imo; something most games overlook but it was stunningly absorbing.

I just hope the enemies are a lot better then the same few monsters all through the game and unsatisfying bosses.