HEXUS.gaming – Good enough to Own The Competition ?

by Nick Haywood on 1 November 2005, 10:08

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HEXUS.gaming - Games Guru wanted! - must be honest, intelligent and literate...

HEXUS is inviting applications from suitable candidates who want to be paid to: -

• play games for a living

• meet the people who are bringing cutting edge 3D computer games to market

• insightfully write about the experience of playing those games

• travel across the UK and overseas to international gaming and technology events

• and much more cool stuff

Unsurprisingly, you MUST be so much more than a bit-trusted…

• You MUST
be a courteous, ethical, honest, honourable, sincere, trustworthy, genuinely literate person who knows what it means to be a team-player.

• You MUST be reliable, self-managing and self-motivated, with good time-management and a genuine understanding of what’s important and urgent; with the ability to operate proactively in a dynamic environment where priorities can, and often do, change in an instant.

• You MUST have conviction in your beliefs and talents, self-respect, but are considerate, mature and open-minded; constantly able to maintain a balanced outlook, and embracing of constructive feedback.

• You MUST be ready to act with professionalism and be an ambassador (face-to-face and in writing) for the most dynamic, exciting, respected and kick-ass publication growing in the UK. Rapid access to Central London, an up-to-date, valid UK passport, a credit card and the real support and understanding of your loved ones is going to be a benefit.

Whilst not essential, you’ll have access to your own transport and ideally you also believe you know how to spec, integrate and troubleshoot a connected personal computer to a World Class standard.

If you’ve carefully considered and - sincerely believe - you meet the above criteria, and see this opportunity as the right long-term commitment for you, then feel free to apply.

In the first instance, your application should reach us by e-mail only, setting out why you think you make the grade, and accompanied by at least a 500 word sample article (with or without images) on a game or gaming related product to nick.haywood@HEXUS.net

Provide your full name, date of birth, current residential address, residential and mobile telephone numbers, and if you have any relevant experience, professional or otherwise.

Set out your realistic salary expectations, and understand that HEXUS will pay all your communications costs (including high-speed broadband, land-line and mobile) and all other justifiable expenses.

If you’re a sorted person, of the character we’re looking for, you’ll probably be able to submit a detailed, up to date CV too.

Egotists, liars, megalomaniacs, prima donnas, racists, subscribers of extreme political correctness and other garden-variety twats need NOT apply.

Your boss will be HEXUS.gaming Editor - Nick Haywood - who writes: -

Reckon you're a Games Guru?

Know your Daikatana from your Half-Life 2s? Did you 'get' Katamari Damacy? Think that Trap Gunner is an over-looked gem?

Well here's the chance to prove your superior gaming knowledge, and bring it to the masses!

I’m looking for a contributor who wants to bring their talents to HEXUS.gaming in the form of news, previews, reviews and more.

We need a writer with a broad gaming knowledge and the ability to clearly communicate their authoritative thoughts on the rapidly expanding HEXUS.gaming channel.

You’ll be able to work to my deadlines to produce readable and factually accurate gaming related content which truthfully informs, expertly helps and consistently entertains.

I’m looking for a full-timer, but might consider a part-time position for the right candidate. Presently HEXUS is not looking for freelancers or failed print-journalists.

If you want to be considered for this position, but require a little time to prepare your sample article, the email me your intentions and set out precisely when you’ll be delivering.

At this time, please do not PM me for further info, if you’re the person we want, you’ll already know what to do.

Good Luck! ...but we'd sooner you knew how to make your own...

HEXUS Forums :: 4 Comments

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Are you looking for past experience in this area ( obviously you got to be able to wip ass at games) but like in the game testing arena.
Is there an age range?
Also iam guessing its full time, but would it require this person to relocate if they live far far away from Hexus H.Q ?
I actually think I will be a relatively good potential candidate… Whats the age restriction? That's all, since I am 18 in January anyhow :D
We've now set a closing date for applications of Friday, 11th November, so if you haven't applied yet and would like to, get your application in!
the 11th has been and gone - picked a lucky winner yet?