The Home Of Chrome : Premiere eSports facility

by Steven Williamson on 19 April 2006, 10:17

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Visit or play the Girlz of Destruction

The Girlz of Destruction are extremely friendly, and were a delight to visit, their personalities compliment each other perfectly, they are both witty and charming, and get along together like sisters but, a shared living space can sometimes have its downside. Liefje has a habit of watching DVD’s whilst the others are practising, whilst Missy has an annoying habit of messing up the blinds in the bathroom. They’re all aware though that the benefits of living and training together far outweigh these small annoyances.


The facility allows the girls and other gamers to work and practice together in an environment perfect for gaming.


Such was the influence of the Home of Chrome that I might even test out the World of professional gaming for myself, I think I may need a few years of practise first.


Thanks to Tim, Ingrid from VIA, and the Girlz of Destruction for their hospitality.

You can visit The Home Of Chrome online: here

You can visit The Girlz of Destruction website: here

You can visit the sponsors VIA: here

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