Omega Sektor - Interview with Dominic Mulroy - The future of UK LAN centres

by Steven Williamson on 8 September 2006, 16:31

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Photos and concept image

Omega Sektor in Harrow

Omega Sektor in Harrow

Omega Sektor in Harrow

Omega Sektor in Harrow

Omega Sektor in Harrow

Omega Sektor in Harrow

Omega Sektor concept image for Birmingham and London

HEXUS Forums :: 20 Comments

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it was a kind of dodgy advert though.

Like when watching the UFC show the ultimate fighter where they plug xyience all the time, you kind of led him into praising scan ;)

But on to the subject, im not sure a lan centre is ever going to make big bucks over in this country, as hard as people try to redesign the concept, most peoples home setups have a console or a home pc which does the job for them. I would be suprised if they are still going in 12 months to be honest, but i wish them the best of luck
Wow fair play to this - that place looks amazing. Nice spec pcs too :) Might have to take myself up to Brummy next year when the place opens there.

Great work.

With the right pricing, this will be a cool place to LAN game on the easy.
it was a kind of dodgy advert though.

Like when watching the UFC show the ultimate fighter where they plug xyience all the time, you kind of led him into praising scan ;)

lol, honestly I didn't. As soon as I saw SCAN I just wondered why…and then he reeled off the praise.

I thiink you could be right about LAN centres not making huge bucks. I think the aim of this one maybe to be a centre for the whole European scene. Perhaps it may even host the World cyber Games, CPL etc.. at some point. I'm not sure, I hope it works. I'll definately go to the Birmingham one.
Like the chairs, where can i get one :D
aye its beautifully decked out, i wish them the very best too as i have always thought they were a good idea. It just seems hard to get the punters in.