Bad Piggies to steal the limelight from Angry Birds

by Mark Tyson on 5 September 2012, 09:30

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The bad piggies from the Angry Birds games are going to star in their own game called… Bad Piggies. For this game the piggies have been cutified a bit because gamers are expected to take their side and help them reach their goals in this new physics puzzler. The game is due on 27th September and will be launched on iOS, Android and Mac and “Also coming to Windows Phone, Windows 8 and PC” later.

Please take a look at the teaser video below, which is cute but doesn’t really let you know anything except that “Something PIG is coming”. Watching the pigs fall from the sky in the teaser you may be inclined to expect some kind of Puyo Puyo game but luckily the guys at Fast Company had an exclusive look at Bad Piggies at Rovio HQ in Finland, so we know quite a bit about the game play.

How it plays

J.J. McCorvey at Fast Company tells us that “The swine are stranded on a desert island and have to build vehicles and contraptions to make their way to the delicious eggs that they can’t seem to get enough of. Though there is a three-star mechanic at work, there are no birds in sight.” He also says the pigs are much more likeable characters in this game. The game is now receiving its last minute gameplay tweaks.

Rovio’s last effort Amazing Alex doesn’t have the same pick-up-and-play accessibility as Angry Birds and its sales chart success spike illustrates that. This new Bad Piggies game is more intuitively playable according to the Fast Company article.

Lovable enemies

Yesterday’s press release didn’t let a lot of details about the game out of the bag, the only hint was “not a slingshot in sight”. Rovio mainly used the opportunity to gush about how lovable the pigs really are… Here are my favourite awful Rovio PR quotes;

  • “There’s a lot of empathy towards the lovable enemies from the Angry Birds games”
  • “We’ve been constantly asked: what about the pigs’ side of the story?”
  • “Bad Piggies gives you the chance to play as the second-most-loved characters in the Angry Birds universe”
  • “There’s so much more to these pigs than what is seen in the Angry Birds games”

Actually those are almost all the quotes from the press release.

Angry Birds has been downloaded over a billion times and is the number one paid app of all time. Rovio has a lot to live up to, just like a pop or rock band who experience a number one with their first record. Ville Heijari, Rovio VP of franchise development said “It feels like when we’re launching anything, some shadow of Angry Birds will be hanging over it.”

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Angry Birds … is the number one paid app of all time.

Except on Android, of course :mrgreen:
So the Incredible Machine meets Angry Birds?

I'd rather have a Dungeon Keeper style game - defend your looted eggs from marauding birds with a fixed budget.
Hmm grew bored of Angry Birds in the original and none of the new ones have lured me back, could this be the one?
Rovio are just milking the cash cow now… why cant they attempt something new and original like they did with the first angry birds…
That is what they are doing isn't it? When I heard about Angry Birds Heikki I was secretly hoping for an arcade racer like mario!