Prey 2 officially confirmed for Xbox 360 and PC

by Steven Williamson on 18 March 2008, 10:28

Tags: Prey 2, 2K Games (NASDAQ:TTWO), PC, Xbox 360, FPS

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It was no secret that Human Head Studio’s innovative first person shooter, Prey, would get a sequel, but now we can all relax, Prey 2 has been officially confirmed for Xbox 360 and PC.

Radar Group, the production company behind the game, has released the following statement:

The follow up to 2006’s action game of the year, reprise your role as Tommy, the Cherokee warrior who saved Earth from alien invasion in Prey. This time, abandoned and framed for the disappearance of his family, Tommy escapes an Earth that no longer wants him for a future that cannot survive without him. Building on the mind-bending portal and gravity-defying gameplay of the original with several innovative new twists, Prey 2 promises once again to take players into a compelling science-fiction world with breathtaking visuals and adrenaline pumping action.

This is the first piece of concept art from the game.

That’s all the details we have for now and there’s no word on the release date or the ‘innovative features’ we can look forward to. Now that the cat is officially out the bag, we expect to hear more very soon.

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I know Prey got a slight kicking in the reviews but as a shooter it was up there with Quake 4, if not better. I liked some of the touches, like dropping into the spirit world so could could walk through barriers or invisible walkways. And your spirit hawk chum.
That was on the PC. I've now got it for Xbox360 so I can get the achievements.
I agree with you. I quite liked it and I'm looking forward to this one.
I quite liked it too, but I'm a little surprised it's getting a sequel.

The first one seemed to come down to a silly price, very quickly.