The battle intensfies with Army of Two new content

by Steven Williamson on 27 May 2008, 15:30

Tags: Army of Two, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), Xbox 360, FPS

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Co-op campaign maps coming soon

EA has confirmed that downloadble content for Army of Two will be available this week.

Army of Two will offer two brand new co-op campaign maps and an enhanced multiplayer map that offers more opportunities to show that a two-man team can be unstoppable. The free Veteran Map Pack, sponsored by Pontiac, will be available on May 29 in North America and Europe on Xbox live marketplacve and the Playstation Store.

Players will experience an all-new map as they find themselves underground in a subway station in Kiev where they must find and destroy the central hub of a dangerous militia.

The second map takes players back to SSC headquarters in Miami where they finally get the chance to take out Dalton, Rios and Salem’s ex-boss and the man responsible for framing them, in an intense boss fight where the glory of revenge is finally felt.

The Veteran Map Pack features dynamic and interactive environments including destructible objects that were not available in the retail version. The action also continues online with two-on-two teams battling it out in the China Canal Lock map.

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