Modern Warfare 2 Prestige Edition includes working night-vision goggles

by Steven Williamson on 15 July 2009, 10:13

Tags: Modern Warfare 2, Activision (NASDAQ:ATVI), Action/Adventure

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With any videogame special edition you usually get a book with extra artwork, possibly a "Making of" DVD, some fancy packaging and maybe even a figurine of a character from the game or something similar, but Activision is really pushing the boat out with the Modern Warfare 2 "Prestige Edition."

The first official look at the Prestige Collectors Edition of Modern Warfare 2 has cropped up on YouTube showing the community manager for MV2 un-boxing the product.

Check it out for yourself...Three boxes in one includes the game, an art-book, a token to download the original Call of Duty on PC and fully-functional Night-Vision Goggles!

How much, we hear you cry? There's no word on price as yet, but this isn't going to come cheap.

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and this comes out on my birthday…

I know which version I'm getting :D
anyone else think this is extremely sad?
anyone else think this is extremely sad?

I still have my original copy of COD/UO so I dont really need it again.
The goggles do seem appealing for a bit of office fun if the price is right and reviews are good!

In the past when I have bought Special Editions or Tin Editions its never actually added anything to the game. This time round I will probably be buying the cheapest no thrills edition.

Nowadays any special ed videos will be up on youtube so its a bit of a waste of money.
Well night vision goggles are around the £270 mark for a pair (Gen 1). I wouldn't be surprised (if it came to the UK) for the bundle to fetch £350.

I'm in a geeky contest with my colleague at the mo, he has a Mug Boss, so I think this will out do him! :D
how is this sad? If they didnt work then you would be totally right but they do, you can actually USE them lol. Id probably use them when going fishing or something in the night as it would make it alot easier to do.

Hoping for £50 :P(never gunna happen though!)