Scivelation confirmed as Xbox 360 exclusive

by Steven Williamson on 26 November 2009, 09:37

Tags: Midas Interactive, PC, Xbox 360, FPS

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Topware Interactive has confirmed that its PC third person shooter, Scivelation,will also be released on console, exclusively on Xbox 360 during Q3 2010.

Scivelation is being billed as a cinematic gameplay experience set in a dystopian future that promises both high octane action and a powerful story.

Powered by Unreal 3 Engine, Scivelation will be a third person shooter that also has a focus on strategy as you switch between run and gun gameplay to stealth sections, as you move through a range of post-Apocalyptic locations.

The story goes:

Human civilization as we know it has ended at the hands of religious zealots desperate to bring about the Apocalypse. What remains of society has been homogenized into a single culture, to be governed by the Regime - a theocratic, worldwide government intent to rob mankind of its most meaningful symbols. A scattered front of old believers, named heretics by the Regime, have resorted to violent mobilization in order to carve out a niche where they might survive unmolested, and in the midst of this turmoil are Dr. Elisha Amano, a disgruntled Regime scientist who helped develop a paradigm-shifting, post-human supervirus; and Mikhail Ivanov, a cyborg and former member of the Russian special forces who was divested of his humanity fighting in the End Times.

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Fallout 3 or Borderlands anyone? I love my SciFi settings but this doesnt seem to be breaking much new ground.. another post Apoc game.. woohoo!

Mass Effect 2 please!