New Modern Warfare 3 trailer hits ahead of launch

by Stephen Coleman on 26 October 2011, 10:00

Tags: Activision (NASDAQ:ATVI), PC

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With just a few short weeks to go, Activision has released the launch trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 ahead of the game's worldwide release.

Featuring massive explosions, frenetic gunfire and scenes from all four of the game's primary locations: America, England, France, and Germany, this is one trailer you shouldn't miss.

Check out the minute-long trailer below as the world's 'symbols of strength' are brought down by the dastardly Makarov.

Modern Warfare 3, which is being developed co-operatively with Infinity Ward and Sledgehammer Games, will launch on November 8th for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC.

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“Launch trailer dubs MW3 ‘most anticipated game in history’”

I presume all their other statements about the game are as accurate…
Well I'm anticipating it. Not for the MP but for the SP.
I have really enjoyed the SP story over the years and look forward to continuing it :)
I'm going for BF3 instead.
IF they have had the most number of pre-orders for a game ever, then I guess that could be accurate….

Although I am sure the most anticipated ever was probably duke nukem forever…..but obviously for other reasons :mrgreen:
I'm going for BF3 instead.

I'm an “as well” :)