Fans of Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon series will be disapointed to hear that the game has been delayed for a second time.
Originally planned for launch Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter will no be released in March 2006.These delays seem to happen frequently with Ubisoft's games. Remember waiting for Rainbow 6 Lockdown for many months? Ubisoft told us they were tweaking it and making sure it was fit for release.Four or fve months later it was released and many Rainbow 6 series fans were very disappointed at the sub standard multiplayer and online modes.It no longer felt like Rainbow 6 but seemed that Ubisoft were trying to compete with great online mulitplayers such as Halo 2 - the action was sped up drastically and many people thought Ubisoft should have stuck with the formula that hadworked in previous games.
Fans will be hoping that GRAW does not stray away from the gripping and intense gameplay associated with the franchise. Let's hope they don't tweak it too much.

GRAW will feature future military technologies, including many groundbreaking features, including the Cross-Com, a communication device powered by satelitte technology, which will deliver complete battlefield awareness in the chaos of the Urban warfare.