Tennis on a table
We were all shocked when we heard that Rockstar, famous for the Grand Theft Auto series, were developing a Table Tennis game. The more we think about it, the more we love the idea. Table Tennis is fast, tactical, and the thought of online multiplayer and worldwide online tournaments is just making us drool with anticipation.
When the game was announced Rockstar said, " We wanted to create a sports game with the intensity of a fighting game and the sense of speed and control that would make playing it a more intense and more visceral experience than has previously been possible with sports games. It's not just about looking better, feeling better or animating better but about using the power of the hardware to make a game that engages with you on a different physical and emotional level. Table tennis was the perfect sport because it is so fast moving that it has never successfully been made into a game before -- you have to hit the ball far more frequently than in tennis -- but we felt we could make something both very fast, but in which the player had unprecedented amounts of control."
Check out these new screenshots