Guitar Hero II exclusive tracks revealed for Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 9 January 2007, 09:58

Tags: Guitar Hero II, RedOctane, Xbox 360, PS2, Simulation

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Guitar Hero II arrives on Xbox 360 in March and Red Octane have revealed the list of exclusive tracks that will appear alongside those that have already been confirmed.

The exclusive tracks will be:

Alice Cooper - Billion Dollar Babies
My Chemical Romance - Dead!
Dead Purple - Hush
Pearl Jam - Life Wasted
Rick Derringer - Rock N Roll Hoochie Koo
Toadies - Possum Kingdom
Rancid - Salvation
Iron Maiden - The Trooper

Red Octane have previously stated that they will use the Xbox 360's live marketplace to provide further downloadable tracks.

“With its large integrated hard drive, Xbox 360 provides an incredible platform for facilitating downloadable content,” said Dusty Welch, Head of Publishing, RedOctane. “We believe there is no better title to feature micro-transactions than a music game like Guitar Hero II, where the content is the basis of your experience. The relationship with the Xbox Live Marketplace creates endless possibilities for exclusive content.”

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Oh first time for an Iron Maiden track !

as a big GH fan I look forward to seeing it on the xbox.