Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 - PC info and Xbox 360 screenshots

by Steven Williamson on 16 January 2007, 16:48

Tags: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Xbox 360, Action/Adventure

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The Ghosts are back to PC. Following the 2005 Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter (GRAW), Ubisoft brings the sequel GRAW2, with an even more tactical PC tailored game.

You are the Soldier of the Future 2.0. All systems have been upgraded to give you more power and control on the battlefield. Following the failure of the “coup d’etat” in Mexico City Mexican rebels have gathered their remaining forces along the US border. Lead your team of elite Special Forces for the first time on US soil - straddling the border between Juarez, Mexico and El Paso, Texas. The Ghosts have less than 72 hours to stop a nuclear attack. You are the last line of defense and must do what it takes to be victorious.

Key Features:

GRAW2 takes the player to a new level of immersion and realism, and provides a stronger tactical dimension.

Tactical & PC Tailored gameplay
# Improved Tactical Map, HUD & orders system to plan & execute deadly strategies.
# New tactics & additional supports (unmanned ground-drone M.U.LE) thanks Cross-Com 2.0 communication system
# New team strategies, thanks to reworked teammate AI & deeper specialization
# New battlefields in wide rural, deserts zones, on both sides of the US/Mexico border

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Vastly Improved Multiplayer
# Exclusive “Recon versus Assault” Mode: Increased Recon into Multiplayer. Take control of a deadly Ghost Recon squad against the heavily armed Mexican renegades.
# Variety of Multiplayer modes from the classic team deathmatch to the Original Ghost Recon Coop and many others.

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Realistic Warfare Experience
# Lead the Ghosts during a 72h critical mission to save the US soil from a nuclear threat.
# Improved immersive & realistic technology : upgraded physics, new effects & graphics
# Accurate future war experience : Gear, weapons & supports based on the Integrated Warrior System, inspired by real life prototypes.

Overleaf - PC and Xbox 360 screenshots