Ooh she still looks loverly...
You’d think that Lara would be getting a bit jowly and saggy by now... After all she’s been the subject of many a teen gamers’ fantasy for a good ten years now and we all know what happened to Kelly Le Brock not too long after her VHS-tape-pause-button-breaking appearance in Weird Science.
Anyhoo, to bring a bit of real-world perspective, Lara is a just a digital creation, so unless someone with a cruel mind gets jiggy with Paint Shop Pro, we can rest safe in the knowledge that her undoubtedly pert assets will never need to be tucked into her belt...
And with that reassuring knowledge tucked in our minds we can relax with this bunch of new screenies for the Tomb Raider: Anniversary edition on the PS2 which sees Lara swinging, shooting and generally being her usual leggy, chesty, pony-tailed tight shorted self, giving it large with both guns much to the horror of the World Wildlife Fund.