Ghost Recon Advanced WarFighter Hands-on Preview

by Steven Williamson on 2 March 2006, 10:48

Tags: Ghost REcon Advanced Warfighter, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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Cross-Com rules!

Overall, in multiplayer mode, there are some frustrating aspects to the gameplay. Taking an enemy down at long range can be a tricky prospect, although the guy that kept killing me didn't seem to have much of a problem. If an enemy is static it's pretty easy to dispatch them at long range with a carefully placed headshot, with a sniper rifle. However if they decide to dart about, like those annoying Ethopian soldiers in Ghost Recon: Island Thunder, enemies are pretty difficult to kill. At close range, if you keep moving erratically, you'll often be in an intense firefight for up to 10 seconds.

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On a positive note, the CROSS-COM is a great addition that helps add to the tactical nature of the game. By using the D-pad to cycle through the list of options you're able to see through the eyes of one of your teammates, or view a drone, tank or apache unit. These devices are commonly used within the Army; it's a welcome addition that brings GRAW truly into the 21st century of warfare technology. Through using the CROSS-COM you'll be barking orders to your team mates, warning them of enemy attack or just asking them what the hell they are doing hiding behind a rock when the action is miles away. It's an uncomplicated, welcome addition to the game that proves that the GRAW has headed back to its more tactical roots.

Click for larger image

Another noticeable new addition is the arrows that show you the positioning of your teammates. Your teammates have a red 'ready-brek' glow around them if you hover the reticule over them. In no way does this distract from the realism of the game, it makes tactical play easier, more enjoyable and ensures that they'll be substantially less team kills then previous Ghost Recon games.

In multiplayer there are wealth of game modes, including the ones we already know and love and, you'll be glad to know, siege is back! There are also numerous customisable options.

Graphically GRAW is one of the best game looking game so far on the Xbox 360, even fine details such as water effects are stunning, the water shimmers in the sunlight, shadows on the ground accurately reflect any animate or inanimate objects, and character animations are extremely detailed. Buildings, boats, helicopters and cars have been graphically tuned to bring the whole environment to life, whilst explosions and rag-doll death effects truly capture the atmosphere of war.

Despite the great graphics it was dissapointing that you couldn't interact with some of the scenery and buildings. Although there are plenty of doors leading into buildings on the urban maps, in GRAW you cannot open any of these doors. The damage modelling is also inconsistent, throw a grenade at a car and it will explode but, unload a clip into some cars and you won't even break the windscreen and, on occasions, won't even see bullet holes. As far as I'm concerned, all army games should have have a completely destructible environment, GRAW doesn't.

So, the graphics are great, the maps are superb, the A.I has improved, the game mechanics and physics engine have been tweaked and it looks as though Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter will be a superb single and multiplayer game. For me, it's the game that myself, my clan, and many other clans have been looking forward to, for some time. My only worry is whether the game will be able to cope with more than 6 players online. If it's laggy online, I'll be switching off as fast as I did with Ghost Recon 2. If not, the Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is set to the ultimate tactical, team-based, multiplayer online experience of the year.

Note: We played the preview build of Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter, any negative aspects may well be fixed for the final release.

UPDATE We've received this email regarding our comments on the roll move:

The roll move in GRAW MP has not been removed, as stated in your article. What has changed is that now in GRAW, you control exactly when to roll, by pushing the action button while moving laterally when prone. This was done because of feedback from GR2 that often people accidentally went into a roll when they just wanted to move sideways when prone. Christian Allen Lead MP Designer

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