Review: Fantastic 4 – Gamecube

by Nick Haywood on 4 August 2005, 00:00

Tags: Fantastic 4 (GameCube), Activision (NASDAQ:ATVI), Beat 'em up

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Fantastic 4 or Fantastic Flop

So, Fantastic 4 or Fantastic Flop? Well, I’m sad to say that although not quite a flop, the game is certainly quite a long way away from being anything like fantastic. I really was beginning to think we’d seen the end of formulaic, unimaginative film licenses, but I was wrong. Sure, as a game it’s playable enough, but even disregarding the film license, it’s still not a particularly inspiring or enjoyable 8 or so hours of gaming.

Given the richness of the Fantastic 4 license, so much more could have been done with them that this generic beat-em-up just smacks of being a film tie-in cash-in. The unimaginative room-corridor-room format, the dodgy clipping and poor AI all point towards this and only the merest nod is given to the actual Fantastic 4 license. If you want a film based beat-em-up that does it properly, check out The Incredibles instead.

It’s got the Fantastic 4 in it.
Two player co-op
Upgradeable powers.

Poor clipping
Poor AI
Unimaginative setting
Dodgy controls give no ‘feel’ for fighting

4-getable… Fantastic!

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