Review: Starcraft II Wings Of Liberty - Mulltiplayer Impressions

by Steven Williamson on 29 July 2010, 08:49

Tags: Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty (PC), Strategy

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The following multiplayer impressions were submitted by Spud1, one of our regular contributors at HEXUS.gaming. The opinions expressed in this review are his own and not necessarily the views of the HEXUS team. You can read the HEXUS.gaming official review of Starcraft II later this week.

My collectors edition arrived yesterday lunchtime - any ideas of work kind of just vanished as I opened it up..very impressive package. The USB stick dog-tag is really cool (honest!), satisfyingly heavy and it glows when its plugged in, looks just like Jim's one from the game. I installed Starcraft 1 from it just because I could..very quick to install from USB! There is about 700mb free when you get it - I don't intend to wipe it yet but if I do I'll be backing it up for sure.

The art book is hardback and very nice to look through, such incredible artwork that the guys at Blizzard have come up with. I'm less interested in the comic but who knows, it may be worth something in the future. The soundtrack has moved to my car for the trip to/from work for now, and I'll end up watching the "how its made" DVD at some point in the next week I'm sure. Oh, and I should mention the box..most impressive collector's edition box ever, just look at some of the YouTube vids to see it - its awesome. You also get 2 Starcraft 2 trial passes and 2 WoW trial passes with the game - something I didn't expect. I should also mention the WoW "Thor" pet - he's very cool and again I suggest looking around YouTube to see what he's like.

Anyway enough about the box, onto the game! The installer gives you the background to the story (handy since its been 10 years since I played the SC1 campaign!) and it took about 15 min to install it all, not too bad. Once loaded and signed in with Battle.NET (something you have to do to save your progress properly/get achievements - not an issue for me but may be for some people) I jumped into the campaign. One thing to note is that because of the Battle.NET integration, if you log into your account you can continue your campaign from any installed copy of SC2 - you don't have to be at your PC. Your progress is saved to "the cloud", a very nice feature.

More screenshots overleaf...