Review: F.E.A.R. – PS3

by Nick Haywood on 27 April 2007, 12:12

Tags: F.E.A.R. 2 (PS3), Vivendi Universal Interactive (NYSE:VIV), FPS

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Oooh, scary!

Nick Haywood is a F.E.A.R. fan, we know this because he wets the bed. No, really...

Right before we even kick off on this F.E.A.R. review on the PS3, I’ll quite honestly stick my hand up and say that yes, I do reckon F.E.A.R. is one of the best first person shooters we’ve seen of late. Sure, it had bags of unoriginal stuff but it did break ground with trying to weave a truly scary story into the action. F.E.A.R. on the PC developed Half Life 2’s story-telling methods, adding in some Max Payne-style adult themes and giving a nice topping of scripted shock moments... and it was a damn fun shooter as well.

So, some two years on and now it hits the PS3 which, when the shiny disk landed on my doormat got me all excited and nervous at the same time. Excited because although I have a surround sound system on my PC, the set up in my living room is much better and the atmosphere created by the sound in F.E.A.R. is one of its key draws. But I was nervous too as I was more than a bit apprehensive of how well this two year old game would translate to the PS3 as a platform. We’ve often heard how the PS3 is a powerful piece of kit capable of pumping out loads of HD graphical wonderment but, other than MotorStorm, I’ve yet to see anything all that impressive. With F.E.A.R. I’ve now got a chance to do a side-by-side comparison... would the PS3 be up to the job?

And finally, another thought crossed my mind as I loaded up the disc. Is there anything new in F.E.A.R. for the PS3 player? If you own a PC you would’ve played the game through on that so the Xbox 360 version had an extra level and a new weapon which, if you already owned the PC version (and plenty of people own both a PC and an Xbox 360), was a tad disappointing... Have Sierra thrown in any extras for the Sony fans?

Read on to find out.