Enhanced AI will sniff you out
Ubisoft has really ramped up the difficulty in Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 to the point where, despite being an RB6 veteran, I’ve struggled on Normal difficulty and had to repeat stages over and over again to work out different routes and different tactics through the areas. Some games would make me give up the fight there and then, but the tactical challenge in Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 was enough to keep me coming back time and time again to try and beat the area. It does help that the check points are well-placed throughout the levels, so it never takes you too far away from the spot where you died, but it's really the fun factor that gives you motivation to keep trying.Admittedly, there are a few occasions where you get an enemy that doesn't recognise that you’re waving your weapon in front of his face, but they generally react extremely well and are ruthless in their execution of you and your team-mates, as they scramble for cover, advance intelligently on your position and have an uncanny knack of throwing grenades right at your feet.
At times, the AI is far too adept at spotting you when there's no possible way they could have seen or heard you from their position, so it could get a little frustrating for those who don't have finely-tuned shooting skills. Nevertheless, if it’s a challenge you’re after you’ve come to the right place.
The friendly AI is also impressive and aside from commanding them to go to a certain positions, hold a position, get behind cover or follow you, once again you can also order team-mates to take up room entry positions either side of a door. You can then use the snake-cam to peer into the room and then tag up to two enemies that you want them to attack once they enter the room. Before entry you get a few options, allowing you to command them to 'frag and clear' a room or maybe throw a smoke grenade first, but one thing you can be guaranteed of is that time and time again they’ll follow your commands to a tee.
Visually, it's great watching your two-team mates respond precisely to your commands, burst into a room and then sweep it expertly, but room entry also works brilliantly because the tagging system limits you to choosing only two targets. Often there are more than two targets in the room, so your input is also needed, it’s not just a case of sitting back and watching your squad do the work.

This three-pronged attack may involve entering the area through another door and planning a co-ordinated attack on a room or waiting for your team to open the door and charging the room as a group. Team-mate commands also work well on multiple levels, such as the Las Vegas Convention centre, where you can remain high on a balcony and send your team-mates down onto the battlefield to draw enemies out whilst you shoot at them from above. The scope for tactical game-play is endless and there are multiple ways in which you can play each level.
Aside from the commands that have been brought over from Rainbow 6 Vegas you can now instruct your team-mates to throw a grenade to a certain position. It’s a neat little addition which is ideal if you’ve ran out ammo and can’t quite see off a well-covered enemy.
The friendly AI does have some silly moments, such as getting shot down when they could have so easily have taken cover, but these moments are scarce and in no way affect the enjoyment of the game.