Review: SKATE 3 - Xbox 360

by Steven Williamson on 17 May 2010, 12:10 4.1

Tags: skate 3, Electronic Arts (NASDAQ:EA), Xbox 360, Sports

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Final Verdict

Skate 3 excels even further with its customisation options and create and share features. The Skate Park Editor is in-depth and very easy to use. It increases the game’s replay value infinitely by allowing you to personalise and customise the area by dragging objects around to create new racing lines. Then being able to share your creations and download other parks and play them online means that there's absolutely no reason to be bored with skating around the same areas in Port Caverton.

The Skate franchise has shifted its focus somewhat in this latest iteration. It's still the best and most stylish skateboarding game out there, but the enjoyment you'll get from it comes almost exclusively from its brilliant and robust online component. As long as you’ve hooked up to Xbox Live you’ll have a great time, but Skate 3 still loses a few marks for the rather stagnant solo play.

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