Review: Logitech Wireless Guitar Hero Guitar - Xbox 360, PS3, Wii

by Steven Williamson on 27 May 2010, 09:19 4.0

Tags: Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, Logitech (NASDAQ:LOGI)

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Is it worth £180?

And there’s the rub. The guitar doesn’t really do anything that the standard guitar does. It’s heavier and looks better, but that’s about it. Yet the strange thing is, I can’t help but enthuse about it. Given the choice between this or the standard GH guitars, both myself and guests all fight for the Logitech. It just feels so much better than the standard guitars. You can’t help feeling that you somehow just play better when you’re using it.

Long term testing has also shown that this guitar is built to last. It’s been used and used a LOT. It’s probably here that I should confess to destroying 5 guitar hero guitars in my career, strummers, whammy bar and button failures, I’ve had ‘em all! Battery life is excellent, relying on good old standard AA’s to power it. In its extended test it’s never missed a beat (well, I’d love to be able to blame the guitar for some of my performances, but alas I can’t). Another major plus point is that this beast is available not only for the PS3, but for both Wii and Xbox owners too.

The Wii Version

Is there anything I don’t like about it? Well, if I was being ultra picky, I could complain that you can’t specify your colour (PS3 owners get black, Xbox get Orange and Wii’s get White). I’d personally prefer it to be full sized rather than the ¾ size and because of the weight, it should ideally come with a spreader pad on the guitar strap because after 5 hours of rocking, you’ll be only too aware of its weight. But that’s it. If you’re a guitar Hero/rockband fan, looking for a quality controller to thrash the night away on and have the cash, the Logitech really does deserve your attention. Logitech currently have a promotion giving you 2 of these superb guitars for the price of one. Bargain? Most definitely.

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