Blow yourself to pieces
The tutorials progress nicely by adding something new into the equation on each level. The next level will see weapons added to your car and you'll need to destroy as much as possible within a set time-limit. You'll also learn how to use the hand brake, the boost function, and be introduced the secondary weapon. The tutorial ends with a fierce no-holds barred race against other A.I drivers, using all the weapon and skills learnt. The tutorial also showcases the 'unwreck' option.
The 'un-wreck' button allows you to reverse time in slow motion, if you plough head first into a fire-engine causing heavy damage, just press this button and rewind to the point before the crash. This obviously gives competitors and advantage, but is extremely useful if your car is about the blow up. 'Un-wreck' can only be used once, and you'll have to fill the 'un-wreck' bar first. You fill the bar by causing damage, once you've reached a set amount of damage the option will flash up on the screen. This handy option is a tactical high point of Full Auto. Damage can be seen on the damage gauge at the bottom right of the screen, if you can take your eyes of the action for a split second, you'll learn to judge exactly when to use the 'Un-wreck' option to maximum effect. If your car is almost unrepairable, you can use the Self-Destruct option. Press the 'back' button and the car will blow, causing damage to everything in the surrounding area. Using self-destruct at strategic times can be extremely beneficial, and a lot of fun. If you wait until your A.I competitors are near you, or a part of the street that is littered with cars and debris, 'self destruct will also wreck your opponents chances.'

The boost function works in a similar way to 'un-wreck'. By performing stunts and power slides you'll fill the boost bar, once the boost bar is full, hold down the LB button and you'll rocket ahead of the pack. Although the boost function allows you to hurtle to the front of the pack, Full Auto ensures that you never get too far ahead. Even if you've took every corner with precision and used your boost functions to maximum effect, the opponent A.I will never be too far behind. This adds to the excitement, and ensures that you can't relax for one second.
Combat in the game is straight forward, use the 'A' button to fire your primary weapons, such as missile launchers and machine guns, and the 'B' button to use your secondary weapons, such as mines and grenades. Each weapon has three levels; with the third being the most powerful. For example, use the missiles at level 1 and you'll need to aim carefully at the target to score a direct hit, but at level 3 your missile will track targets. These weapons create impressive explosions, which can be replayed thanks to the One Touch replay feature, which is only available offline. Press down on the d-pad and you can rewind and view the action in slow motion and watch how your every move impacts on the surrounding environment.
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