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Throughout Full Auto there is an inconsistency in the way vehicles smash up. At times you can be driving at slow speeds and still brush huge tankers aside with relative ease. At times you'll spin over vehicles with minimum effort, and other times it will feel as though a brick wall has been placed in your path. On the flip side, you'll never see the same wreck twice; the physics engine is superb. You'll also notice that if you smash into a car at one point, leaving it rolling rolling down the street, by the time you head around to the same part of the track, the car that you pushed over may still be interacting with other objects. This is a nice addition to the game, it's fun to see telegraph poles crashing in front of your car, and explosions in every corner of the screen.
The interactive environments and fantastic explosions are great, but not enough to sustain your interest in career mode, you'll be travelling so fast you'll miss most of them anyway. The only reason you'll want to go through career mode is to unlock all those achievements for Xbox live.

Graphically, Full Auto lacks the polish of the likes of Burnout Revenge. The buildings are technically impressive, but the vehicles are lifeless and dull. The explosions are eye popping, hurtle yourself of a ramp into a shop front, an exploding barrel, oncoming traffic or an advertising hoarding and watch the whole place go up in a dazzling display of landscape butchery.
The sound of the weapons in Full Auto is excellent on surround sound. I'd recommend turning the music down but keeping the sounds of explosions turned on. Shotguns boom, machine guns menacingly chatter and you'll probably get a knock on the door from your next door neighbors if the volume is too high.
There are other games modes to try out offline, 'arcade race' sees you pitted against A.I opponents, whilst 'Head to Head' allows you to team up with a friend on split screen. However, the most fun to be had out of Full Auto is online.
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