Full Auto: Xbox 360: Review

by Steven Williamson on 17 February 2006, 10:15

Tags: Sega (TYO:6460), Racing

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The online mulitplayer consists of three modes, down-and back, circuit and point to point. Although these game modes don't offer much variety, online multiplayer is hilarious. In fact, in my experience, you'll hear plenty of giggles coming through the head set. The self destrct mode is extremely useful online, just wait until you're just about to explode, unleash the function,whilst there are a good number of competitors in the vicinity, and sit back and watch the whole street go up in flames.

Perhaps in a bid to keep the pace of the game consistent, Sega have ommitted the 'Un-wreck' option. It would have been nice if we had the option to turn the function on or off, then we could decide for ourselves whether to use it or not.

Perhaps the most annoying thing, and Sega are certainly not on there own with this, is how the you are kicked out of a match at the end of a ranked game. Xbox live should be about bringing people together, and forging friendships with other gamers. Many games now opt to kick you out at the end of the match. This results in many gamers opting not to speak during games, because they see it as a waste of time, they'll never see these people again. PGR3 has it spot on with the lobby system, one of the best aspcts of live is talking about your experiences with other like-minded folk, and the sooner developers realise this, the better for gamers.

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Throughout the games I experienced minimal lag, the lobby sytem are good and easy to use (thank the Lord for the kick player option), and it all adds up to a worthwhile, if not totally thriling experience. Full Auto is one of the most fun online experiences out of all of the current Xbox 360 games.

Full Auto is an action racing game, if you're looking for realistic racing try PGR3, if however you're looking for a fun game that doesn't require much brain power, you can't go far wrong. Watching explosions, driving at break neck speeds and smashing the environment to pieces is a great way to unwind. Despite the critisisms I'm looking forward to playing the game again, there's something rather hypnotic about Full Auto, and the unlockables tempt you into completing career mode.


Great explosions
Destructable environements
Fast paced
Environements look great
Self Destuct mode


Unrealistic car control
Limited weapons
Limited enjoyment offline

Great fun in small doses, online is where the action hots up.

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HEXUS Forums :: 2 Comments

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A fantastic review, unlike other reviews available on the net this seems well balanced and points out very well clearly that xbox live is where this game excels. Interesting you mention using the self destruct online, its not a tactic i have employed … No doubt i'll play you on xbox live on it shortly :)
I noticed even when you're actually in the process of blowing up, you can still self-destruct and take some foes with you!