Review: Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter - XBox 360

by Steven Williamson on 16 March 2006, 10:39

Tags: Ghost REcon Advanced Warfighter, Xbox 360, PS3, FPS

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Cross-com rules!

On the other hand, your team mates behaviour is often eccentric. They’ll go where you tell them to, and fight when you need them to fight, but on occasions they can be slow to react to any sudden changes in your game plan. For example I moved my teammates to where I thought was a safe position, they were ambushed by enemy fire. Quickly I changed my orders to send my team another direction. Whilst two of the team responded immediately, Corporal dickhead decides to carry on running into the gunfire. When he reached the original point that I had set for them, only then did he respond to my last command, and attempted to join the others. Unfortunately, on the way back, he was killed.

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The army hasn’t got time for slackers and these guys could have put the whole mission in jeopardy. Luckily you can heal your teammates if they die by approaching them and pressing the ‘Y’ button. It’s not realistic, but due to the occasionally careless behaviour of your teammates, it’s a welcome addition. The friendly A.I does feel like they rely on you much more than you rely on them, but then, you are the captain.

The occasional A.I problems, and I do stress occasional, are not enough to dampen your spirits. GRAW is the big dipper amongst the waltzers and merry-go-rounds in the theme park of tactical shooters.

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The Cross-com function allows you to see through the eyes of a teammate, or issue commands to Drones, tanks or helicopters. By pressing left or right on the d-pad you can switch between fellow units, pressing up and down will allow you to issue commands such as move, regroup or attack. The Cross-Com camera doesn’t add anything to the tactical prowess of GRAW, it’s too small to be useful, but sits in the corner of your screen throughout the game. It’s a cool idea but not really necessary. The greatest thing about Cross-Com is controlling your mechanical units. Send a spy drone to an enemy area and it will survey the location and enter its results on your map. Control a tank and clear an area before you send the troops rushing in, or command an Apache helicopter to take out a sniper. You’ll be able to see the action through the Cross-cam camera, but due to the small screen it’s hard to make out all the action. Nevertheless, controlling units is a satisfying exciting bonus, they control well, fulfil their purpose, and give you the chance for some much-needed breathing space.

Aside from ground action, you’ll have the opportunity between missions to take the gunner’s seat on an Apache Helicopter. It’s a thrilling ride over a vast city where you’ll encounter enemy riflemen, marksmen and RPG experts. You’ll need to take them all out with the helicopter’s gun before they send you tumbling to the Earth. The gun handles well and packs a powerful punch, the city looks fantastic, and it’s a welcome break from ground warfare.