10 September 2021, 12:11
Game will be a "console exclusive on PlayStation 5 at launch," and release on the PC too.
13 January 2021, 11:11
MachineGames are developing the title for the new Lucasfilm Games label.
16 June 2020, 11:11
Take full control of X-Wing and TIE Fighter craft on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and VR.
2 March 2016, 09:31
And there's an exclusive soft-print Star Wars T-shirt, if you will stretch to $34.99.
4 February 2015, 11:20
But you can 'pay what you want' for the three in the entry level tier.
28 October 2014, 14:20
These classic LucasArts space combat sims now sell for $9.99 (£6.19) each at GOG.com.
18 December 2013, 10:05
Disney is accepting beta test applicants now for this F2P dogfighting title.
3 May 2013, 10:08
Is Google going to make a big move into multiplayer gaming?
18 April 2013, 15:25
Will it be too much of a good thing?
4 April 2013, 10:28
Disney bought Lucasfilm last October and acquired LucasArts as part of the deal.