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    10 March 2008, 09:58

    LEGENDS OF NORRATH DEALS OUT THIRD SET – INQUISITOR TO GLOBAL MARKET - Legends of Norrath Series Pushes The Playmat With New Set, Additional Features and Compelling Play Format

  • Sony President, Phil Harrison quits

    Sony President, Phil Harrison quits

    25 February 2008, 10:06

    We didn't see this one coming! Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. has confirmed that Phil Harrison, President of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, will resign from his post as of February ...

  • Cryptic message points to Twisted Metal on PS3

    Cryptic message points to Twisted Metal on PS3

    7 February 2008, 11:01

    A cryptic message hidden in the recently released PS2 version of Twisted Metal: Head On Extra Twisted apparently reveals that a PS3 version is in the making.

  • Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    29 January 2008, 10:47

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue will also introduce to the franchise an in-cockpit view, providing a unique perspective for racers and featuring real-time gauges and human animations that accurately represent the ...

  • win4FREE competitions :: Pirates of the Burning Sea win4FREE competitions :: Pirates of the Burning Sea

    22 January 2008, 12:27

    To celebrate the launch of Lineage II: The 1st Throne – The Kamael for PC , publisher NCsoft is offering HEXUS.gaming readers the chance to win copies of the game, ...

  • SOE Director talks Everquest, Pirates of the Burning Sea and MMOs

    SOE Director talks Everquest, Pirates of the Burning Sea and MMOs

    18 January 2008, 10:06

    The following Q&A was conducted exclusively for HEXUS.gaming with John Hayase, Director of Development at Sony Online Entertainment's San Diego studio, in which he talks about the Everquest brand, SOE’s ...

  • Pirates of the Burning Sea - PC

    Pirates of the Burning Sea - PC

    14 December 2007, 11:15

    Sony Online Entertainment's massively multiplayer online game, Pirates of the Burning Sea boasts more than one thousand missions per nation, dozens of ports to explore, and the freedom to explore ...

  • God of War Chains of Olympus - PSP

    God of War Chains of Olympus - PSP

    12 December 2007, 09:08

    Developed from the outset as an original story, God of War: Chains of Olympus is yet another adventure in the dark and brutal world of Greek mythology that fans of ...

  • Who can we trust? Killzone 2 dev doctors PS3 screens

    Who can we trust? Killzone 2 dev doctors PS3 screens

    10 December 2007, 11:49

    The latest controversial subject to hit the headlines involves Killzone 2 developer Guerilla Games, who released a number of stunning looking screenshots for their first person shooter last week.

  • BBC's Top Gear team up with Gran Turismo 5 dev on PS3

    BBC's Top Gear team up with Gran Turismo 5 dev on PS3

    24 October 2007, 09:06

    Polyphony Digital, the creators of the Gran Turismo series and the are teaming up to offer Top Gear episodes for download via Gran Turismo TV on PS3.