12 November 2008, 11:28
HEXUS.gaming has some goodies to giveaway! Box copies of the all-in-one Everquest II compilation up for grabs!
5 November 2008, 11:45
With its launch date imminent, Sony release a barrage of glittering screenshots for Resistance 2.
24 October 2008, 10:10
Jump on the beta phase for Resistance 2 when you preorder with Gamestation.
17 October 2008, 09:41
The beta phase for Sony's upcoming shooter kicks off in the UK this Monday!
15 October 2008, 10:59
The fifth expansion in the Everquest II series arrives in November.
30 September 2008, 10:49
Sony Online Entertainment has trumpeted strong intentions in bringing a fully-fledged MMO to the Playstation Portable.
30 September 2008, 10:14
Swashbuckling MMO seeks more Pirates to hop on board.
3 September 2008, 12:41
MMORPG Pirates of the Burning Sea is celebrating Talk Like A Pirate Day... me hearties!
22 August 2008, 09:09
Sony Computer Entertainment Europe has stepped forward to publish three upcoming MMOs on Playstation 3.
21 August 2008, 09:45
The Agency is a spy-themed shooter based entirely in a persistent online world.