11 January 2012, 08:45
Promising five-times the efficiency of the current generation.
15 July 2011, 17:46
An exclusive, in-depth interview with marketing VP Tony King-Smith.
15 June 2011, 17:03
A bit more hype but not much detail about the POWERVR Series6.
3 June 2011, 10:03
The new top-of-the-range OMAP 4 series SoC raises the graphics bar.
11 May 2011, 12:12
Hedges its graphics bets for upcoming LG-designed SoC.
28 April 2011, 18:25
As the dual-core era ramps up, there’s more SoC choice than ever.
28 February 2011, 16:58
The CEO of Visioglobe describes what may be the future of LBS.
21 February 2011, 11:54
The SoC graphics battle reaches fever pitch.
17 January 2011, 10:53
All this extra grunt will reportedly be used to drive an iPad 2 with a much higher-resolution screen.
7 January 2011, 15:04
Imagination brings best of today's and tomorrow's technologies to CES 2011