QOTW: How much would you pay for a Radeon R9 290X?

by Parm Mann on 4 October 2013, 16:30


Quick Link: HEXUS.net/qab3p5

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There it is, folks. AMD's latest and greatest graphics card - the Radeon R9 290X. We've seen pictures, benchmarks appear to be doing the rounds, but the release date and price remain something of a mystery.

According to the rumour mill, the card could show up at retail priced at $729, which roughly translates to £545 including VAT. That's more than twice the price of AMD's current single-GPU champ - the Radeon HD 7970 - but more importantly, it's significantly cheaper than the £800 GeForce GTX Titan, which the R9 290X is rumoured to match.

So for this week's question, we want to know what you, the consumers, would be willing to pay for a Radeon R9 290X? Let us know using the comments below.

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Pleas do not bring the titan in to pricing, it's stupidly overpriced and should not be brought in to comparison to other cards in the value stakes.

I would not pay more than £450 for 290x, by all accounts it's similar performance to a 780 and so should be priced less than a 780. AMD should learn from their past mistake that they can't compete with Nvidia in extreme pricing for GPU's. Look at the 7990 the fastest card available, AMD couldn't even sell it at £800, this titan and 690 territory, a few week later it's under £500 lol.

I'm sick of these ever increasing rip-off prices every year for little extra performance.
It's a bit of an odd question this, considering all we have to go on is rumours and the like. Not sure you can really judge the value of a card until it's actually been tested by a load of people.
I wouldn't pay more than 20 quid for anything with a leaf blower bolted to it! :D

Not buying with that cooler, maybe I'll wait for sapphire or msi or xfx versions.