ABIT Packaging Change

by David Ross on 23 January 2002, 00:00

Tags: abit

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ABIT Packaging Change

Our spies over at ABIT have been working hard to find us some exclusive information about ABIT. This may not be much but I am sure most of you will be seeing this new design and packaging over the next few months!

This is how the cables will ship with all ABIT boards - ABIT branded IDE cables - I wonder if we can overclock them ;-) There is even clips to hold the cables within your case tidier.

After the new design of the ABIT box before, this is the new layout of the box - note the window mod ;-)

Here is another new revision of the ABIT Box they have a new manual and CD layout, they have also gone for the plastic insert - this will hold the motherboard and the CD/Manual - but the cables will be separate.